Single-Cell Technologies Ltd. is committed to providing equal opportunities for its employees. As an implementation of this commitment we developed this Gender Equality Plan in line with the existing national and European policies to create an inclusive corporate culture countering any type of gender-based discrimination.



The Key Intervention Areas of our policy are as follows.

1. Fostering gender equality in recruitment and career progression 

– ensuring that all phases of recruitment are gender-sensitive

– increasing and stimulating women’s involvement in scientific career.


2. Supporting work-life balance

– adjusting work obligations to child-care responsibilities

– supporting the reintegration of employees after maternal/paternal leave.

3. Achieving gender-balance in leadership, decision-making and representation

– increasing the number of applications among women for leadership positions

– ensuring that women and men are fairly represented in decision making and outreach events

– ensuring that the participants of both genders can equally fulfil their assigned responsibilities.

4. Promoting gender equality ideas that support inclusive corporate culture

– securing adequate communication strategy and channels for dissemination if ideas

– providing efficient channels for resolving cases of gender-based discrimination

– strengthening pro-equity attitudes and fighting stereotypes, implicit and explicit gender bias.


To achieve these goals, Single-Cell Technologies Ltd. undertakes the following actions.

1. We phrase job applications in a way to show our commitment towards equal opportunities in the recruitment and employment process, and highlight benefits that support work-life balance and child-care duties. We also keep an eye on gender balance in employment and decision making positions.

2. We allow flexible working hours and/or home-office opportunities for those, who have child-care responsibilities and adjust working hours (including meetings, trainings etc.) to opening hours of child-care institutions and schools. We also allow the adjustment of annual leave with school holidays.

3. We develop clear selection procedures showing how the gender aspect is taken into account and ensure that both men and women are represented in the application review committees. We also raise awareness for gender-stereotypes and habits in the operation of committees (i.e. assignment of administrative and substantive tasks) and apply family-friendly timing of meetings and events, and scheduling practices that allow for planning in advance.

4. We operate means of conflict-resolution, involving expert counselling if needed and in our communication we reinforce our commitment to zero tolerance of gender-based discrimination. We hold weekly meetings where any personal matters, including gender-based problems can be discussed in a safe manner.



In order to ensure the implementation and the sustainability of this Gender Equality Plan, analysis, monitoring, discussion, evaluation and review is needed on a recurrent basis in cooperation involving all employees.

Data will be collected in line with the following indicators of measuring progress corresponding to the “She Figures” reports of the European Commission:

– gender composition at all levels and fields of the workforce

– gender composition of governing bodies

– recruitment and promotion

– leave and flexibility.

The CEO of Single-Cell Technologies Ltd. is responsible for setting up and reviewing GEP Action Plans yearly with the designated Gender Equality Advisor. Based on the directions and activities defined in the GEP, the Action Plans will set priorities and timelines for the respective coming year. Progress will be revised according to the data collected and a decision will be made on continuing with existing plans and/or adding new actions.

In order to channel the feedback and suggestions of the community, a dedicated e-mail account will be established and handled by the Gender Equality Advisor. The feedback from the community will be considered during the development of the yearly Action Plans.

In 2025 the GEP is expected to undergo a major revision process and a new plan will be launched for the 2026-2029 period.