COMPASS (ED_18-1-2019-0017)

The international COMPASS project proposes that adding direct functional testing of drug sensitivities of patient-derived (PD) cancer cells to molecular profiling will provide additional key information for precision pediatric oncology.
The COMPASS consortium has four main aims: I) establish a standardized ex vivo drug response profiling platform to discover unexpected drug efficacies and drug re-positioning opportunities, II) discover new biomarkers and molecular mechanisms for the drug efficacies seen, III) generate a large-scale online data resource of drug efficacies with integrated omics data providing a basis for novel precision therapies for incurable pediatric tumors and IV) clinical translation. To achieve a high concordance in a multi-center setting, we will share standard operating procedures (SOP), a core set of genetically defined pediatric PD tumor models and a COMPASS core library containing clinically approved drugs.
Within the framework of the current project, Single-cell Technologies LLC provides software solutions for automatic, intelligent image analysis methods, involving automatic software development for analyzing image based 3D modeling, and the implementation of single cell technology.

Project title:Clinical implementation of Multidimensional Phenotypical drug Sensitivities in pediatric precision oncology (COMPASS)
Project number:ED_18-1-2019-0017
Project duration:01/07/2019-30/06/2022
Project budget:133 493 750 Ft
Contracted amount:106 795 000 Ft
Extent of support:80 %
Name of recipient:Single-cell Technologies LLC